
Check back soon for links to lots of great resources to help you.

For now, we would just like to sing the praises of two people you should get to know immediately.

Meet Bradley Charbonneau at Likoma. Many people design websites. They’re probably fine. But they are not Bradley. He knows his stuff, he explains things clearly, he has a fine sense of humor,
and when it comes to patience he could put the saints to shame.

Now let’s talk about illustrator and graphic designer Michel Bohbot (, 510/547-0667). Maybe it was the years in New York. He just gets it, and he gets it immediately. He is known far and wide not only for using his wonderful drawing ability to bring concepts to life (just ask Zynga, among others), but for his focus on the customer. He designed our company logo and we’ve hired him many times for logos and other illustration. We’re always glad we did. You can hear Ideas Made Real Founder-Director Laynie Tzena rave about Michel here.