
People who write for the media your customers/potential employers follow are always—repeat, always—on the lookout for great material. So why aren’t you famous yet?

A man said, “I really want to win the lottery.”


“I really, really want to win the lottery.”


Finally, the man said, “God, why have I still not won the lottery?”

You know the rest, right? The voice, coming out of the cloud, said, “Meet me halfway.
Buy a ticket.”

At least ten years ago Jay Levinson, creator of Guerrilla MarketingTM, pointed out that the majority of the news was “fed”—i.e., provided to the media by publicists.

Some things never change.

If you want to get better known for your work, hiring a publicist is a very good way to start.

Ideas Made Real has been helping people get better known for their work for over 20 years. Here’s a campaign we did for one of our clients.

Let’s discuss your specific needs.