
“What happens in a coaching session? How long are the sessions?”

The initial session focuses on what’s most important to you (your reasons for being in business/changing careers, your goals for your company/career) and what’s most important to your customer or employer (your customer’s reasons for seeking out a product or service like yours/your potential employer’s reasons for hiring you, and what the customer or employer expects from that product or service/you as an employee). We also create a preliminary action plan. This session ranges from an hour to two hours, and can be done as two mini-sessions.

After the first session (or two mini-sessions), coaching sessions range from fifteen minutes to a full day, depending on the project and your working style. Work done in coaching sessions includes marketing strategy, time planning, spending planning (see “Planning”) and business trouble-shooting.

For those in career transition, Ideas Made Real offers resume preparation/review, interview coaching, and coaching for salary and performance reviews. Information on training for those in business may be found here.

“Do you coach by phone? Online?”

Ideas Made Real offers coaching in person, on the phone, and online. The initial session is generally done in person, unless the client is out-of-state. Aside from trainings, subsequent coaching may be done in person or by phone.

“What are ‘booster shots’”?

Many people find it helpful to do 15-minute phone sessions, called “booster shots,” to stay on track with the action plan between sessions. These can be scheduled at the session, or you can call to schedule a booster shot. All Ideas Made Real packages include at least one booster shot.

I have worked with Laynie Tzena on very specific aspects of my practice, including marketing, billing, and time planning. In one session, we spent about a half an hour looking at my bill for one client, looking at ways I was underbilling my services (essentially working for less than I was worth.)

Laynie is a resource person. She provides lots of information very quickly, in a dramatic way that helps you remember it. If you have a problem in your business, she has ways of finding solutions. I have also appreciated how she links being in business with being creative, and with pursuing one’s dream.

I highly recommend Laynie to anyone who feels that work is all discipline and no creativity, and to people who have lots of creativity but no discipline. Laynie manages to unite the two in a powerful way that gets things done.

Kathy M.